Wiersz polecenie S
- Operacja sendmail [flags] [address...] w Linux Użycie simply, a mail router. It accepts mail from a user's mail program, interprets the mail address, rewrites the address into the proper form for the delivery program, and co znaczy komenda
- Operacja sane-find-scanner [options] w Linux Użycie Locate SCSI and USB scanners and print their device files, to be sure the scanners can be detected by SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backends krzyżówka komenda
- Operacja scanadf [options] w Linux Użycie multiple documents. The images are written to output files specified by the --outputfile option. scanadf uses the SANE interface to access the scanner and can support any device co to jest komenda
- Operacja scanimage [options] w Linux Użycie standard output in PNM (Portable aNyMap) format . scanimage uses the SANE interface to access the scanner and can support any device for which there is a SANE backend słownik komenda
- Operacja scp [options] file1[...] file2 w Linux Użycie suite of network tools. scp requests a password or passphrase if required. The transfer can be between two remote hosts. If more than one file is specified for file1 , file2 czym jest komenda
- Operacja screen [options] [command [args] ] w Linux Użycie screen pseudo-terminals from one real terminal, and letting you manipulate and save your screen input and output, copy and paste between windows, etc hasło komenda
- Operacja script [option] [file] w Linux Użycie typescript is written to file . If no file is given, the typescript is saved in the file typescript . The script ends when the forked shell exits, usually with Ctrl-D or exit co oznacza komenda
- Operacja sdiff -o outfile [options] from to w Linux Użycie Find differences between the two files from and to and merge interactively, writing the results to outfile tłumaczenie komenda
- Operacja sed [options] [command] [files] w Linux Użycie Stream editor. Edit one or more files without user interaction. See Chapter 1 for more information przykłady komenda
- Operacja sensors [options] [chips] w Linux Użycie Display current readings of all sensor chips and set limits as specified in the configuration file. The default configuration file is /etc/sensors.conf definicja komenda
- Operacja seq [options] [first [increment] ] last w Linux Użycie print one number per line to standard output. Both first and increment can be omitted and default to 1, but if first is omitted then increment must also be omitted. In other words encyklopedia komenda
- Operacja setfdprm [options] device [name] w Linux Użycie Load disk parameters used when autoconfiguring floppy devices jak działa komenda
- Operacja setkeycodes scancode keycode w Linux Użycie scancode . The kernel matches these to its own keycodes. Scancodes in the range of 1-88 are hardwired in the kernel, but the remaining scancodes can be assigned to keycodes in czy jest komenda
- Operacja setleds [options] w Linux Użycie for the current virtual terminal. With no options, display the current settings for all three flags. Can be used in a startup script to set the initial state of the LEDs pojęcie komenda
- Operacja setmetamode [options] w Linux Użycie option, print the current Meta key mode. Otherwise, set the mode and display the setting before and after the change wyjaśnienie komenda
- Operacja strace [options] command [arguments] w Linux Użycie shows you how data is passed between the program and the kernel. With no options, strace prints a line for each system call. It shows the call name, given arguments, return value opis komenda
- Operacja setquota [options] [name] [limits] filesystems w Linux Użycie in the format soft-block-limit hard-block-limit soft-inode-limit hard-inode-limit . To disable a quota, set it to 0 . See also edquota , a vi editor interface for editing and informacje komenda
- Operacja setsid command [arguments] w Linux Użycie System administration command. Execute the named command and optional command arguments in a new session co znaczy komenda
- Operacja setterm [options] w Linux Użycie Set terminal attributes by writing a character string to standard output to invoke the specified attributes krzyżówka komenda
- Operacja sftp [options] host w Linux Użycie perform file transfers securely. sftp connects to host and logs in, prompting for a password if required. The host can be specified in the following ways: host [user @] host co to jest komenda
- Operacja sh [options] [file [arguments] ] w Linux Użycie are entered. On modern versions of Linux, this is just another name for the bash shell. For more information, see Chapter 6 . For legacy Linux versions and other Unix flavors, be słownik komenda
- Operacja sha1sum [option] [files] sah1sum [option] --check [file] w Linux Użycie Compute or check 160-bit SHA1 checksums to verify file integrity. If the file is not specified, or specified as - , read from standard input czym jest komenda
- Operacja showkey [options] w Linux Użycie default is to show keycodes. In keycode and scancode mode, the program terminates 10 seconds after the last key is pressed. In ASCII mode, press Ctrl-D to exit. This command may hasło komenda
- Operacja showmount [options] [host] w Linux Użycie maintained by the mountd server on host . The default value for host is the value returned by hostname . With no options, show the clients that have mounted directories from the co oznacza komenda
- Operacja shred [options] files w Linux Użycie Overwrite a file to make the contents unrecoverable, and delete the file afterward if requested tłumaczenie komenda
- Operacja shutdown [options] when [message] w Linux Użycie time (in hh :mm format), a number of minutes to wait (in + m format), or now . A broadcast message notifies all users to log off the system. Processes are signaled with SIGTERM przykłady komenda
- Operacja size [options] [objfile...] w Linux Użycie Print the number of bytes of each section of objfile and its total size. If objfile is not specified, a.out is used definicja komenda
- Operacja skill [signal] [options] processes snice [priority] [options] processes w Linux Użycie skill is TERM , and the default priority for snice is +4 but can be in the range +20 (slowest) to -20 (fastest). The selection options -c , -p , -t , and -u are not required, but encyklopedia komenda
- Operacja slabtop [options] w Linux Użycie Display kernel slab cache information in real time. slabtop displays a listing of the top caches as sorted by a given sort criteria jak działa komenda
- Operacja slattach [options] [tty] w Linux Użycie them for use as point-to-point connections. Only a privileged user may attach or detach a network interface czy jest komenda
- Operacja sleep amount[units] sleep option w Linux Użycie Wait a specified amount of time before executing another command. units may be s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), or d (days). The default for units is seconds pojęcie komenda
- Operacja slocate [options] string w Linux Użycie but it also stores file permissions and ownership information so users cannot see files to which they don't have access. In some distributions, locate is actually a symbolic wyjaśnienie komenda
- Operacja snice [priority] [options] processes w Linux Użycie Reset the priority for processes . The default priority is +4. See skill for the possible options opis komenda
- Operacja sort [options] [files] w Linux Użycie lines; if no fields are specified, compare them by byte, in machine-collating sequence. If no files are specified or if the file is - , the input is taken from standard input. See informacje komenda
- Operacja split [options] [infile [prefix] ] w Linux Użycie results are written to prefix aa , prefix ab , and so on. The default prefix is x , giving the output files xaa , xab , etc. If infile is - or missing, standard input is read. See co znaczy komenda
- Operacja ssh [options
] hostname [command] w Linux Użycie version of ssh described here is the OpenSSH client. ssh can use either Version 1 (SSH1) or Version 2 (SSH2) of the SSH protocol. SSH2 is preferable, as it provides stronger krzyżówka komenda - Operacja ssh-add [options] [files] ssh-add -e|-s reader w Linux Użycie must be running and must be an ancestor of the current process. ssh-add reads the files created by ssh-keygen for private keys. It reads the information in these private keys to co to jest komenda
- Operacja ssh-agent [options] [command [arguments] ] w Linux Użycie executed at the beginning of an X or login session; then all other windows or programs given as command are run as clients of ssh-agent . When a command is specified, the command słownik komenda
- Operacja ssh-keygen [options] w Linux Użycie Generate, manage, and convert authentication keys for ssh . When using ssh-keygen to create a key, the -t option must be specified to identify the type of key to create czym jest komenda
- Operacja ssh-keyscan [options] w Linux Użycie Gather public and private host keys from a number of hosts. Can be used in scripts hasło komenda
- Operacja sshd [options] w Linux Użycie remote-execution facility equivalent to rlogin and rsh . Normally started at boot, sshd listens for incoming connections, forking a new daemon when one is detected. The forked co oznacza komenda
- Operacja stat [options] files w Linux Użycie human-readable format. The error messages Can't stat file and Can't lstat file usually mean the file doesn't exist. Can't readlink file generally indicates tłumaczenie komenda
- Operacja rpc.statd [options] w Linux Użycie System administration command. The NFS status server, statd , reports server status to clients like the rup command przykłady komenda
- Operacja strfile [options] input_file [output_file] unstr [-c delimiter] input_file[.ext] [output_file] w Linux Użycie be a file containing groups of lines separated by a line containing a single percent sign (or other specified delimiter character). strfile creates an output file that contains a definicja komenda
- Operacja strings [options] files w Linux Użycie are at least four characters long and followed by an unprintable character. Often used to find human-readable content within binary files encyklopedia komenda
- Operacja strip [options] files w Linux Użycie Remove symbols from object files , thereby reducing file sizes and freeing disk space jak działa komenda
- Operacja stty [options] [modes] w Linux Użycie stty reports the terminal settings that differ from those set by running stty sane , where ^ indicates the Ctrl key and ^` indicates a null value. Most modes can be negated czy jest komenda
- Operacja su [option] [user] [shell_args] w Linux Użycie create a shell for a privileged user (i.e., become a superuser). Enter EOF to terminate. You can run the shell with particular options by passing them as shell_args (e.g., if the pojęcie komenda
- Operacja sudo [options] [command] w Linux Użycie and the commands they are permitted to execute are listed in the sudo configuration file, /etc/sudoers . If an unauthorized user attempts to run a command, sudo will inform an wyjaśnienie komenda
- Operacja sum [options] files w Linux Użycie Calculate and print a checksum and the number of (1 KB) blocks for file . If no files are specified, or file is -, read from standard input. Useful for verifying data transmission opis komenda
- Operacja swapoff [options] [devicelist] w Linux Użycie System administration command. Stop making devices and files specified in devicelist available for swapping and paging informacje komenda
- Operacja swapon [options] devices w Linux Użycie System administration command. Make the listed devices available for swapping and paging co znaczy komenda
- Operacja sync w Linux Użycie the sync( ) system call. If the system is to be stopped, sync must be called to ensure filesystem integrity. Note that shutdown automatically calls sync before shutting down the krzyżówka komenda
- Operacja sysctl [options] [key] w Linux Użycie using the /proc/sys filesystem. While many of these kernel keys can be altered by other utilities, sysctl provides a single interface to kernel settings co to jest komenda
- Operacja syslogd [options] w Linux Użycie functionality. By default, it is meant to behave exactly like the BSD version of syslogd . While the difference should be completely transparent to the user, sysklogd supports an słownik komenda
- Operacja syslogd w Linux Użycie System administration command. See sysklogd czym jest komenda
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Do czego służy komenda. Co robi wywołanie. Jak działa polecenie w Linux.
Działanie Syslogd co znaczy sysklogd krzyżówka sysctl co to jest sync słownik swapon czym jest swapoff hasło sum co oznacza sudo tłumaczenie su przykłady stty definicja. co to znaczy.
Słownik definicji Polecenie Sendmail co znaczy sane-find-scanner krzyżówka scanadf co to jest co to jest.