Co robi SPLIT użycie. Konsola prefix aa , prefix ab , and so on. The default prefix is x , giving.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie split

Wykonanie, użycie: Split infile into equal-sized segments. infile remains unchanged, and the results are written to prefixaa, prefixab, and so on. The default prefix is x, giving the output files xaa, xab, etc. If infile is - or missing, standard input is read. See also csplit

Opcje wykonania split w konsoli

-a n, --suffix-length=n

Use suffixes of length n (default is 2).

-b n[b|k|m] , --bytes=n[b|k|m]

Split infile into n-byte segments. Alternate block sizes may be specified:


512 bytes.


1 kilobyte.


1 megabyte.

-C bytes[b|k|m] , --line-bytes=bytes[b|k|m]

Put a maximum of bytes into file; insist on adding complete lines.

-d, --numeric-suffixes

Use numeric suffixes instead of alphabetic suffixes for the output filenames.

-n, -l n, --lines=n

Split infile into n-line segments (default is 1000).


Print a help message and then exit.


Print a message for each output file.


Print version information and then exit.

Przykłady split działanie w Słownik polecenie S

Przykład SPLIT użycie :
Jak użyć Compute or check 160-bit SHA1 checksums to verify file integrity. If the file is not specified, or specified as - , read from standard input co znaczy.
Przykład SPLIT użycie :
Jak użyć the LED flag settings (Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock) for the current virtual terminal. With no options, display the current settings for all three flags. Can be used in a startup script to krzyżówka.
Przykład SPLIT użycie :
Jak użyć Calculate and print a checksum and the number of (1 KB) blocks for file . If no files are specified, or file is -, read from standard input. Useful for verifying data transmission co to jest.
Przykład SPLIT użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Execute the named command and optional command arguments in a new session słownik.
Przykład SPLIT użycie :
Jak użyć Stream editor. Edit one or more files without user interaction. See Chapter 1 for more information czym jest.