Polecenie setterm
Opcje wykonania setterm
w konsoli
For Boolean options, the default value is on. Where 8-color is specified, the possible colors are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white. Where 16-color is specified, the possible colors include the 8-color colors, plus grey, bright red, bright green, bright yellow, bright blue, bright magenta, bright cyan, and bright white.
Set cursor key application mode on or off. Virtual consoles only. Can cause problems with vi.
Write a snapshot of virtual console num to the file specified with the -file option, appending the snapshot to any existing contents. With no argument, write a snapshot of the current virtual terminal.
Set background color. Virtual consoles only.
Set the bell frequency in Hz (default 0).
Set the delay before the screen blanks to the specified number of minutes. Virtual consoles only.
Set the bell duration in milliseconds (default 0).
Turn blinking mode on or off. If the terminal is not a virtual console, -blink off also turns off bold, half-bright, and reverse modes.
Turn bold on or off. If the terminal is not a virtual console, -bold off also turns off blink, half-bright, and reverse modes.
Clear the screen.
Clear from the current cursor position to the end of the screen.
With no arguments, clear all tab stops. Otherwise, clear the specified tab stops. Virtual consoles only.
Turn the cursor on or off.
Set rendering options to defaults.
Write a snapshot of virtual console num to the file specified with the -file option, overwriting any existing contents. With no argument, dump the current virtual console. Overrides -append.
Write output from the -dump or -append option to the specified file. If no filename is specified, write to the file screen.dump in the current directory.
Set foreground color. Virtual consoles only.
Turn half-bright (dim) mode on or off. If the terminal is not a virtual console, -half-bright off also turns off bold, blink, and reverse modes.
Set color for half-bright characters. Virtual consoles only.
Display the terminal initialization string to reset the rendering options and other attributes to their defaults.
Invert the screen colors, swapping foreground and background, and underline and half-bright. Virtual consoles only.
Turn line-wrapping on or off. Virtual consoles only.
Enable or disable the sending of kernel printk( ) messages to the console. Virtual consoles only.
Set the console logging level for kernel printk( ) messages. The value of num can be in the range 0-8. Messages more important than the specified number are printed, with 8 printing all kernel messages, and 0 equivalent to -msg on. Virtual consoles only.
Set the VESA powerdown interval to the specified number of minutes, from 0-60. If no value is specified for min, defaults to 0, disabling powerdown.
Put the monitor in the specified VESA powersave mode. Specifying no mode is equivalent to off. The possible values of mode are:
on, vsync vsynch suspend mode.
hsync hsync suspend mode.
powerdown Powerdown mode.
off Turn off VESA powersaving features.
Clear all existing tab stops and set a regular tab stop pattern at every num number (default is 8). num is a number in the range 1-160. Virtual consoles only.
Turn keyboard repeat on or off. Virtual consoles only.
Display the terminal reset string to reset the terminal to its power-on state.
Turns reverse-video mode on or off. If the terminal is not a virtual console, -reverse off also turns off bold, half-bright, and blink modes.
Store the current rendering options as the defaults. Virtual consoles only.
Set tab stops at the specified cursor positions, which can range from 1 to 160. Virtual consoles only.
Replace the value of the TERM environment variable with term.
Set color for underlining. Virtual consoles only.
Turn underlining on or off.
Przykłady setterm działanie w Słownik polecenie S
- Przykład SETTERM użycie :
- Jak użyć shell and make a typescript of a terminal session. The typescript is written to file . If no file is given, the typescript is saved in the file typescript . The script ends when the forked shell co znaczy.
- Przykład SETTERM użycie :
- Jak użyć the named files . Compare specified fields for each pair of lines; if no fields are specified, compare them by byte, in machine-collating sequence. If no files are specified or if the file is - , the krzyżówka.
- Przykład SETTERM użycie :
- Jak użyć Display current readings of all sensor chips and set limits as specified in the configuration file. The default configuration file is /etc/sensors.conf co to jest.
- Przykład SETTERM użycie :
- Jak użyć the effective user ID user . If no user is specified, create a shell for a privileged user (i.e., become a superuser). Enter EOF to terminate. You can run the shell with particular options by słownik.
- Przykład SETTERM użycie :
- Jak użyć devices such as scanners and cameras, writing the images to standard output in PNM (Portable aNyMap) format . scanimage uses the SANE interface to access the scanner and can support any device for czym jest.