Polecenie slabtop
Wykonanie, użycie: Display kernel slab cache information in real time. slabtop displays a listing of the top caches as sorted by a given sort criteria
Opcje wykonania slabtop
w konsoli
Refresh the display every n seconds. By default, the display is refreshed every three seconds.
Sort by S, where S is one of the following sort criteria:
a Sort by the number of active objects in each cache.
b Sort by the number of objects per slab.
c Sort by cache size.
l Sort by the number of slabs in each cache.
n Sort by the name of each cache.
o Sort by the number of objects in each cache (this is the default).
p Sort by the number of pages per slab.
s Sort by the size of objects in each cache.
u Sort by cache utilization.
v Sort by the number of active slabs.
Display once and then exit.
Display usage information and then exit.
Display version information and then exit.
Przykłady slabtop działanie w Słownik polecenie S
- Przykład SLABTOP użycie :
- Jak użyć scancodes, or ASCII codes of keys pressed on the keyboard. The default is to show keycodes. In keycode and scancode mode, the program terminates 10 seconds after the last key is pressed. In ASCII co znaczy.
- Przykład SLABTOP użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. Examine or modify kernel parameters at runtime using the /proc/sys filesystem. While many of these kernel keys can be altered by other utilities, sysctl provides a single krzyżówka.
- Przykład SLABTOP użycie :
- Jak użyć into a remote system and run commands on that system. The version of ssh described here is the OpenSSH client. ssh can use either Version 1 (SSH1) or Version 2 (SSH2) of the SSH protocol. SSH2 is co to jest.
- Przykład SLABTOP użycie :
- Jak użyć Print the number of bytes of each section of objfile and its total size. If objfile is not specified, a.out is used słownik.
- Przykład SLABTOP użycie :
- Jak użyć Remove symbols from object files , thereby reducing file sizes and freeing disk space czym jest.