Wiersz polecenie B
- Operacja badblocks [options] device block-count w Linux Użycie the number of blocks on the device (block-count ). e2fsck and mke2fs will invoke badblocks automatically when given the -c option co znaczy komenda
- Operacja banner [option] [characters] w Linux Użycie them and reads an input line from standard input. By default, the results go to standard output, but they are intended to be sent to a printer krzyżówka komenda
- Operacja basename name [suffix] basename option w Linux Użycie that also. The result is printed to standard output. This is useful mostly in a script when you need to work with a filename but can't predict its full path in every instance co to jest komenda
- Operacja bash [options] [file [arguments] sh [options] [file [arguments] ] w Linux Użycie Standard Linux shell, a command interpreter into which all other commands are entered. For more information, see Chapter 6 słownik komenda
- Operacja batch [options] [time] w Linux Użycie commands when the system load permits (when the load average falls below 0.8). Very similar to at , but does not insist that the execution time be entered on the command line. See czym jest komenda
- Operacja bc [options] [files] w Linux Użycie unlimited-precision arithmetic. bc consists of identifiers , keywords, and symbols, which are briefly described in the following entries. Examples are given at the end hasło komenda
- Operacja biff [arguments] w Linux Użycie asynchronously. Mail notification works only if your system is running the comsat(8) server. The command biff y enables notification, and the command biff n disables notification co oznacza komenda
- Operacja bison [options] file w Linux Użycie subsequent parsing while sending output to file.c . To a large extent, this utility is compatible with yacc , and is in fact named for it. All input files should use the suffix .y tłumaczenie komenda
- Operacja bzcmp [options] file1 file2 w Linux Użycie Apply cmp to the data from files in the bzip2 format without requiring on-disk decompression. See bzip2 and cmp for usage przykłady komenda
- Operacja bzdiff [options] file1 file2 w Linux Użycie Apply diff to data from files in the bzip2 format without requiring on-disk decompression. See bzip2 and cmp for usage definicja komenda
- Operacja bzgrep [options] pattern [file...] w Linux Użycie Apply grep to data from files in the bzip2 format without requiring on-disk decompression. See bzip2 and grep for usage encyklopedia komenda
- Operacja bzip2 [options] filenames bunzip2 [options] filenames bzcat [option] filenames bzip2recover filenames w Linux Użycie different algorithm and encoding method to get better compression. bzip2 replaces each file in filenames with a compressed version of the file and with a .bz2 extension appended jak działa komenda
- Operacja bzless [options] file w Linux Użycie Applies less to datafiles in the bzip2 format without requiring on-disk decompression. See bzip2 and less for usage czy jest komenda
- Operacja bzmore [options] file w Linux Użycie Applies more to datafiles in the bzip2 format without requiring on-disk decompression. See bzip2 and more for usage pojęcie komenda
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Do czego służy komenda. Co robi wywołanie. Jak działa polecenie w Linux.
Działanie Bzmore co znaczy bzless krzyżówka bzip2 co to jest bzgrep słownik bzdiff czym jest bzcmp hasło bison co oznacza biff tłumaczenie bc przykłady batch definicja. co to znaczy.
Słownik definicji Polecenie Badblocks co znaczy banner krzyżówka basename co to jest bash słownik co to jest.