Wiersz polecenie L
- Operacja last [options] [username] [ttynumber] w Linux Użycie default. If you specify a tty number or username, the output will display only the logins for that user or terminal co znaczy komenda
- Operacja lastb [options] [username] [ttynumber] w Linux Użycie Display a list of recent bad login attempts (from the /var/log/btmp file). Accepts the same option flags and arguments as last krzyżówka komenda
- Operacja lastlog [options] w Linux Użycie System administration command. Print the last login times for system accounts . Login information is read from the file /var/log/lastlog co to jest komenda
- Operacja ld [options] objfiles w Linux Użycie object module (a.out by default). ld is the link editor and is often invoked automatically by compiler commands. ld accepts many options, the most common of which are listed here słownik komenda
- Operacja ldconfig [options] directories w Linux Użycie etc/ld.so.conf , /usr/lib , and /lib ; update links and cache where necessary. Usually run in startup files or after the installation of new shared libraries czym jest komenda
- Operacja ldd [options] programs w Linux Użycie Display a list of the shared libraries each program requires hasło komenda
- Operacja less [options] [filename] w Linux Użycie reaction to the perceived primitiveness of more (hence its name). Some commands may be preceded by a number co oznacza komenda
- Operacja lesskey [-o output-file | --output=output-file] [input-file] w Linux Użycie Configure keybindings for the less command using a configuration file. The input file defaults to ~/.lesskey and the output file to ~/.less unless you specify otherwise tłumaczenie komenda
- Operacja lftp [options] [url] w Linux Użycie and HTTP protocol transfers, plus other protocols including FISH (SSH based), FTPS, and HTTPS. It uses a shell-like command interface and offers job control in a manner similar przykłady komenda
- Operacja lftpget [options] url w Linux Użycie Uses the lftp program to fetch the specified URL, which may be HTTP, FTP, or any of the protocols supported by lftp definicja komenda
- Operacja link file1 file2 w Linux Użycie Create a link between two files. This is the same as the ln command, but it has no error checking because it uses the link( ) system call directly encyklopedia komenda
- Operacja ln [options] sourcename [destname] ln [options] sourcenames destdirectory w Linux Użycie names. Links may be hard or soft. A hard link creates two names for the same file, and a soft, or symbolic, link creates a second file which acts as a shortcut to the first. The jak działa komenda
- Operacja loadkeys [options] [filename] w Linux Użycie lib/kbd/keymaps . If you create your own keymap file, the related commands showkey , keymaps , and dumpkeys will be useful as well. Note that loadkeys applies only to virtual czy jest komenda
- Operacja locale [options] [name] w Linux Użycie settings for a system, including character encodings, the formatting of dates, honorifics, diagnostic messages, currency, printer-paper sizes, and default measurements. Locale pojęcie komenda
- Operacja locate [options] pattern w Linux Użycie that contain pattern unless pattern includes metacharacters, in which case locate requires an exact match. *, ?, [, and ] are treated specially; / and . are not. Searches are wyjaśnienie komenda
- Operacja lockfile [options] filenames w Linux Użycie to create some of the specified files, it pauses for eight seconds and retries the last one on which it failed. The command processes flags as they are encountered (i.e., a flag opis komenda
- Operacja logger [options] [message...] w Linux Użycie TCP/IP command. Add entries to the system log (via syslogd ). If no message is given on the command line, standard input is logged informacje komenda
- Operacja login [name | option] w Linux Użycie command line) and password (if appropriate). If successful, login updates accounting files, sets various environment variables, notifies users if they have mail, and executes co znaczy komenda
- Operacja logname [option] w Linux Użycie Consult /var/run/utmp for user's login name. If found, print it; otherwise, exit with an error message krzyżówka komenda
- Operacja logrotate [options] config_files w Linux Użycie System administration command. Manipulate logfiles according to commands given in config_files co to jest komenda
- Operacja look [options] string [file] w Linux Użycie Search for lines in file (/usr/dict/words by default) that begin with string słownik komenda
- Operacja losetup [options] loopdevice [file] w Linux Użycie device to a regular file or block device, detach a loop device, or query a loop device. A loop device can be used to mount an image file as if it were a normal device czym jest komenda
- Operacja lpadmin [options] w Linux Użycie requires one of the following options: -d , -p , or -x . When a queue is configured to require a password, the lpadmin command will prompt for one hasło komenda
- Operacja lpinfo options w Linux Użycie System administration command. Print information on available printer devices and drivers co oznacza komenda
- Operacja lpmove [option] job destination w Linux Użycie System administration command. Move the specified print job to a new destination tłumaczenie komenda
- Operacja lpq [options] [+interval] w Linux Użycie username, rank in the queue, filenames, job number, and total file size (in bytes). We document the CUPS printing system here; other versions will vary slightly przykłady komenda
- Operacja lpr [options] [files] w Linux Użycie document the CUPS printing system here; the older LPRng and BSD systems will vary slightly. CUPS lpr, for example, does not accept the options c , d , f , g , i , m , n , t , v definicja komenda
- Operacja lprm [options] [jobid] w Linux Użycie Cancel print jobs. Job IDs can be obtained from lpq ; if no job is specified, cancels the current job on the default printer encyklopedia komenda
- Operacja lpstat [options] [queues] w Linux Użycie argument, omitting the list produces all information for that option. list can be separated by commas or, if enclosed in double quotes, by spaces. For the LPRng print service jak działa komenda
- Operacja ls [options] [names] w Linux Użycie current directory. With one or more names , list files contained in a directory name or that match a file name . names can include filename metacharacters. The options let you czy jest komenda
- Operacja lsattr [options] [files] w Linux Użycie Print attributes of files on a Linux Second Extended File System. See also chattr pojęcie komenda
- Operacja lspci [options] w Linux Użycie devices. This command has many options that are useful for debugging device drivers. Here we document some of the more common options wyjaśnienie komenda
- Operacja lsmod w Linux Użycie units), and, if appropriate, a list of referring modules. The same information is available in /proc/modules if the /proc directory is enabled on the system opis komenda
- Operacja lsusb [options] w Linux Użycie This command has many options of use for debugging device drivers. Here we document some of the more common options informacje komenda
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Do czego służy komenda. Co robi wywołanie. Jak działa polecenie w Linux.
Działanie Lsusb co znaczy lsmod krzyżówka lspci co to jest lsattr słownik ls czym jest lpstat hasło lprm co oznacza lpr tłumaczenie lpq przykłady lpmove definicja lpinfo. co to znaczy.
Słownik definicji Polecenie Last co znaczy lastb krzyżówka lastlog co to jest ld słownik ldconfig co to jest.