Co robi LFTP użycie. Konsola transfers, plus other protocols including FISH (SSH based), FTPS, and.

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Polecenie lftp

Wykonanie, użycie: File transfer program with more features than ftp. The lftp command allows FTP and HTTP protocol transfers, plus other protocols including FISH (SSH based), FTPS, and HTTPS. It uses a shell-like command interface and offers job control in a manner similar to bash. lftp has two important reliability features: it resumes failed or interrupted transactions, and it goes into the background automatically if it is quit in the middle of a file transfer

Opcje wykonania lftp w konsoli


Run in debug mode.

-e commands

Start, execute the specified commands, and then wait for further instructions.

-p portnumber

Connect to the specified port number.

-u user[,pass]

Login to the server with the username (and, optionally, password) you specify.

-f scriptfile

Run the specified script file of lftp commands, then exit.

-c commands

Run the commands specified, then exit.

Przykłady lftp działanie w Słownik polecenie L

Przykład LFTP użycie :
Jak użyć links) for files , allowing them to be accessed by different names. Links may be hard or soft. A hard link creates two names for the same file, and a soft, or symbolic, link creates a second file co znaczy.
Przykład LFTP użycie :
Jak użyć Uses the lftp program to fetch the specified URL, which may be HTTP, FTP, or any of the protocols supported by lftp krzyżówka.
Przykład LFTP użycie :
Jak użyć file(s), used to limit access to a file. When lockfile fails to create some of the specified files, it pauses for eight seconds and retries the last one on which it failed. The command processes co to jest.
Przykład LFTP użycie :
Jak użyć Display a list of recent bad login attempts (from the /var/log/btmp file). Accepts the same option flags and arguments as last słownik.
Przykład LFTP użycie :
Jak użyć login asks for a username (name can be supplied on the command line) and password (if appropriate). If successful, login updates accounting files, sets various environment variables, notifies users czym jest.