Co robi LPR użycie. Konsola printing system here; the older LPRng and BSD systems will vary.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie lpr

Wykonanie, użycie: Send files to be printed. If no files are given, accept standard input. We document the CUPS printing system here; the older LPRng and BSD systems will vary slightly. CUPS lpr, for example, does not accept the options c, d, f, g, i, m, n, t, v, or w, used by LPRng

Opcje wykonania lpr w konsoli

-C, J, T name

Sets a name for the print job.


Use encryption when connecting to a print server.


Expect a binary or literal file on which minimal processing should be done. The same as -o raw.

-o option

Set printer-specific options. These vary by printer, but may include paper type and orientation, paper-tray selection, output order, and so forth. Check the complete CUPS user manual and your printer's PPD file for the full list.

-P printername

Print to the specified printer. If no printer is given, prints to the default printer, usually set with lpadmin.


Pretty-print a text document. Provides a shaded header containing page numbers, the job name, and the time and date of printing. Equivalent to -o prettyprint.


Delete files after printing them.

Przykłady lpr działanie w Słownik polecenie L

Przykład LPR użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Manipulate logfiles according to commands given in config_files co znaczy.
Przykład LPR użycie :
Jak użyć Search for lines in file (/usr/dict/words by default) that begin with string krzyżówka.
Przykład LPR użycie :
Jak użyć directories. If no names are given, list the files in the current directory. With one or more names , list files contained in a directory name or that match a file name . names can include filename co to jest.
Przykład LPR użycie :
Jak użyć current locale settings. Locales determine the country-specific settings for a system, including character encodings, the formatting of dates, honorifics, diagnostic messages, currency, printer-paper słownik.
Przykład LPR użycie :
Jak użyć TCP/IP command. Add entries to the system log (via syslogd ). If no message is given on the command line, standard input is logged czym jest.