Polecenie sane-find-scanner
Wykonanie, użycie: Locate SCSI and USB scanners and print their device files, to be sure the scanners can be detected by SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backends
Opcje wykonania sane-find-scanner
w konsoli
Check only the specified device for a scanner.
Force the opening of any SCSI and USB devices specified with devname, in case the command is wrong in determining the device type.
Print a usage message and exit.
Test for parallel-port scanners. Note that most parallel-port scanners won't be detected, even with this option.
Run quietly, printing only the devices.
Run verbosely. When specified as -v, show every device name and test result; as -vv, also print SCSI inquiry information and USB device descriptors.
Przykłady sane-find-scanner działanie w Słownik polecenie S
- Przykład SANE-FIND-SCANNER użycie :
- Jak użyć shell, a command interpreter into which all other commands are entered. On modern versions of Linux, this is just another name for the bash shell. For more information, see Chapter 6 . For legacy co znaczy.
- Przykład SANE-FIND-SCANNER użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. Assign a keycode event to the specified keyboard scancode . The kernel matches these to its own keycodes. Scancodes in the range of 1-88 are hardwired in the kernel, but the krzyżówka.
- Przykład SANE-FIND-SCANNER użycie :
- Jak użyć processes , or reset the priority. The default signal for skill is TERM , and the default priority for snice is +4 but can be in the range +20 (slowest) to -20 (fastest). The selection options -c co to jest.
- Przykład SANE-FIND-SCANNER użycie :
- Jak użyć with an automatic document feeder (ADF), which can return multiple documents. The images are written to output files specified by the --outputfile option. scanadf uses the SANE interface to access słownik.
- Przykład SANE-FIND-SCANNER użycie :
- Jak użyć execute command as the superuser. Authorized users of sudo and the commands they are permitted to execute are listed in the sudo configuration file, /etc/sudoers . If an unauthorized user attempts czym jest.