Polecenie xinetd
Opcje wykonania xinetd
w konsoli
Perform an internal-state consistency check every num seconds.
Turn on debugging support.
Execute in the foreground. This option automatically sets the -stayalive option.
Read configuration from the specified file instead of /etc/xinetd.conf.
Write log messages to the specified file. Cannot be combined with -syslog or -d.
Read the /etc/inetd.conf file after reading /etc/xinetd.conf.
Start no more than num concurrent processes.
Limit processes used to look up remote user IDs to num.
Write xinetd's process ID to file.
Keep running even when no services have been specified.
Log messages to the specified syslogd facility. Accepted values are daemon, auth, user, and localn, where n can range from 0 to 7. Cannot be combined with -syslog or -d. The default behavior is to write messages to syslogd using the daemon facility.
Print version information, then exit.
Przykłady xinetd działanie w Słownik polecenie X
- Przykład XINETD użycie :
- Jak użyć with any initial arguments), but read remaining arguments from standard input instead of specifying them directly. xargs passes these arguments in several bundles to command , allowing command to co znaczy.