Co robi MCOPY użycie. Konsola Multiple source files can be specified and written to a target.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie mcopy

Wykonanie, użycie: Copy files between Unix and MS-DOS format partitions. See cp and mtools for more information. Multiple source files can be specified and written to a target directory

Opcje wykonania mcopy w konsoli

The mcopy option flags differ from the flags passed to the Unix cp command. The flags are:


Convert Unix line breaks to MS-DOS line breaks and vice versa when copying text files.


Operate in batch mode; use for large copies of data.


Copy recursively.


Preserve attributes of copied files.


When copying multiple files, if one copy fails, stop. Useful if you think you may run out of disk space.


Assume that all incoming files are ASCII and convert carriage return/line feed to plain line feed.


Convert line breaks as with -a, but also convert PC-8 characters to ISO-8859-1 characters. Replace untranslatable characters with # or . for Unix and DOS respectively.


Do not ask for confirmation when overwriting Unix files.


Turn off confirmation for overwriting DOS files.


Preserve file modification time.


Display the names of files as they are copied.

-D clash-option

Specify the action to take if the specified directory name already exists. See mmd for the possible clash options.

Przykłady mcopy działanie w Słownik polecenie M

Przykład MCOPY użycie :
Jak użyć to users, metamail is used to send and display rich text or multimedia email using MIME typing metadata. Mail-reading programs normally call metamail to determine how to handle the data, but metamail co znaczy.
Przykład MCOPY użycie :
Jak użyć MS-DOS file or directory within a single filesystem. If no drive letter is specified for the target file or directory, the source drive is assumed. If no drive letter is specified for either the krzyżówka.
Przykład MCOPY użycie :
Jak użyć Command-line MP3 player. See mpg321 co to jest.
Przykład MCOPY użycie :
Jak użyć directories . You must have write permission in the parent directory in order to create a directory. See also rmdir . The default mode of the new directory is 0777, modified by the system or user&# słownik.
Przykład MCOPY użycie :
Jak użyć targets according to dependency instructions in a description file in the current directory. By default, this file is called makefile or Makefile . Options, targets, and macro definitions can be in czym jest.