Co robi REXEC użycie. Konsola passes it command . It uses login name and password for.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie rexec

Wykonanie, użycie: Execute commands remotely. This client program connects to a remote host running rexecd, and passes it command. It uses login name and password for authentication. These can be passed on the command line using options below, provided through the $HOME/.netrc file or the environment variables REXEC_USER and REXEC_PASS. If it cannot determine the username and password, it will prompt the user for the information. Because it sends passwords to the remote system in clear text, use rexec only on a secure network. See ssh for a more secure alternative

Opcje wykonania rexec w konsoli


Send both error messages and output to standard out.


When received locally, only echo signals SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM to the remote process.


Leave remote standard input open when the local input closes.


Debugging mode. Echo commands sent locally.

-l username

Specify a different username for the remote login. Default is the same as your local username.

-p password

Specify the password for the remote account.


Prompt user for name and password even if otherwise provided.


Do not echo any signals to the remote process.

Przykłady rexec działanie w Słownik polecenie R

Przykład REXEC użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. If no options are specified, print usage information for the RAM disk . The pair of bytes at offset 504 in the kernel image normally specify the RAM size; with a kernel image co znaczy.
Przykład REXEC użycie :
Jak użyć two machines. Each file or directory is either a remote filename of the form rname@rhost:path , or a local filename. Files can be copied between two remote machines, where neither file1 nor file2 is krzyżówka.
Przykład REXEC użycie :
Jak użyć TCP/IP command. List the users logged into host , or to all local machines, in who format (hostname, usernames). rusers depends on rwhod co to jest.
Przykład REXEC użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Report information on users logged into the system. Answers queries from rusers słownik.
Przykład REXEC użycie :
Jak użyć Remote shell server for programs such as rcmd and rcp , which need to execute a noninteractive shell on remote machines. rshd is started by inetd and must have an entry in inetd 's configuration czym jest.