Co robi JOIN użycie. Konsola from standard input. Often used to merge data stored in text-based.

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Polecenie join

Wykonanie, użycie: Join lines of two sorted files by matching on a common field. If either file1 or file2 is -, read from standard input. Often used to merge data stored in text-based file formats such as comma-separated-value formatted spreadsheets

Opcje wykonania join w konsoli

-a filenum

Print a line for each unpairable line in file filenum, in addition to the normal output.

-e string

Replace missing input fields with string.

-i, --ignore-case

Ignore case differences when comparing keys.

-1 fieldnum1

The join field in file1 is fieldnum1. Default is the first field.

-2 fieldnum2

The join field in file2 is fieldnum2. Default is the first field.

-o fieldlist

Order the output fields according to fieldlist, where each entry in the list is in the form filenum.fieldnum. Entries are separated by commas or blanks.

-t char

Specifies the field-separator character (default is whitespace).

-v filenum

Print only unpairable lines from file filenum.


Print help message and then exit.


Print the version number and then exit.

Przykłady join działanie w Słownik polecenie J