Co robi FREE użycie. Konsola by the kernel uruchomić.

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Polecenie free

Wykonanie, użycie: Display statistics about memory usage: total free, used, physical, swap, shared, and buffers used by the kernel

Opcje wykonania free w konsoli


Calculate memory in bytes.


Default. Calculate memory in kilobytes.


Calculate memory in megabytes.


Do not display "buffer adjusted" line. The -o switch disables the display "-/+ buffers" line that shows buffer memory subtracted from the amount of memory used and added to the amount of free memory.

-s time

Check memory usage every time seconds.


Display all totals on one line at the bottom of output.


Display version information.

Przykłady free działanie w Słownik polecenie F

Przykład FREE użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Retrieve mail from mail servers and forward it to the local mail delivery system. fetchmail retrieves mail from servers that support the common mail protocols POP2, POP3 co znaczy.
Przykład FREE użycie :
Jak użyć command for finding particular groups of files (numerous examples follow this description). find descends the directory tree beginning at each pathname and locates files that meet the specified krzyżówka.
Przykład FREE użycie :
Jak użyć outputs the process IDs of processes that are using the files or local filesystems . Each process ID is followed by a letter code: c if process is using file as the current directory; e if executable co to jest.
Przykład FREE użycie :
Jak użyć Analyzer Generator) is a faster variant of lex . It generates a lexical analysis program (named lex.yy.c ) based on the regular expressions and C statements contained in one or more input files . See słownik.
Przykład FREE użycie :
Jak użyć the named files so that they are no wider than the specified width. fold breaks lines exactly at the specified width, even in the middle of a word. Reads from standard input when given - as a file czym jest.