Co robi AR użycie. Konsola update static library files, as used by the link editor (ld ). Compiler.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie ar

Wykonanie, użycie: Maintain a group of files that are combined into a file archive. Used most commonly to create and update static library files, as used by the link editor (ld). Compiler frontends often call ar automatically. Only one key letter may be used, but each can be combined with additional args (with no separations between). posname is the name of a file in archive. When moving or replacing files, you can specify that they be placed before or after posname. ar has largely been superseded by tar and bzip2

Opcje wykonania ar w konsoli

Przykłady ar działanie w Słownik polecenie A

Przykład AR użycie :
Jak użyć Determine whether ACPI functionality exists. Returns 0 for true and 1 for false co znaczy.
Przykład AR użycie :
Jak użyć Place m4 macro definitions needed by autoconf into a single file. The aclocal command first scans for macro definitions in m4 files in its default directory (/usr/share/aclocal on some systems) and krzyżówka.
Przykład AR użycie :
Jak użyć a specified time and optional date . The commands are read from standard input or from a file. (See also batch .) End input with EOF. time can be formed either as a numeric hour (with optional co to jest.
Przykład AR użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Instruct printing system to accept jobs for the specified print queue or queues. Depending on queue settings, the system may prompt for a password. Also invoked as cupsaccept słownik.
Przykład AR użycie :
Jak użyć Update configure scripts by running autoconf , autoheader , aclocal , automake , and libtoolize in specified directories and subdirectories. This command is seldom invoked manually. It is usually czym jest.