Co robi ACLOCAL użycie. Konsola command first scans for macro definitions in m4 files in its.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie aclocal

Wykonanie, użycie: GNU autoconf tool. Place m4 macro definitions needed by autoconf into a single file. The aclocal command first scans for macro definitions in m4 files in its default directory (/usr/share/aclocal on some systems) and in the file acinclude.m4. It next scans for macros used in the file. It generates an aclocal.m4 file that contains definitions of all m4 macros required by autoconf

Opcje wykonania aclocal w konsoli


Look for macro files in directory dir instead of the default directory.


Print help message, then exit.

-I dir

Additionally, search directory dir for m4 macro definitions.


Save output to file instead of aclocal.m4.


Print the name of the directory to be searched for m4 files, then exit.


Print names of files being processed.


Print version number, then exit.

Przykłady aclocal działanie w Słownik polecenie A

Przykład ACLOCAL użycie :
Jak użyć List the user's pending jobs, unless the user is a privileged user; in that case, list everybody's jobs. Same as at -l , and related to batch and atrm co znaczy.
Przykład ACLOCAL użycie :
Jak użyć Play sound files using the ALSA sound system. The related arecord records sound files krzyżówka.
Przykład ACLOCAL użycie :
Jak użyć Advanced Power Management hardware information, such as battery life, or send the system into standby or suspend-to-disk mode. Used on older systems, and replaced by acpi and related commands. -V co to jest.
Przykład ACLOCAL użycie :
Jak użyć Delete jobs that have been queued for future execution. Same as at -d słownik.
Przykład ACLOCAL użycie :
Jak użyć Records midi files using ALSA. You must specify the port using the -p flag czym jest.