Co robi WHOIS użycie. Konsola but usually contains administrative and technical contacts so that.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie whois

Wykonanie, użycie: Search a whois database for a domain name, IP address, or NIC name. The information returned varies, but usually contains administrative and technical contacts so that you can find a person to handle problems at that domain. By default, the command returns information on .com, .net, and .edu domains, but other hosts can be queried for other domains using host or the -h option

Opcje wykonania whois w konsoli


Indicate the end of options. A subsequent string that begins with a hyphen on the command line is taken as a query string.

-a, --raw

Do not rewrite query according to configuration before sending to server.

-c file, --config=file

Specify a configuration file to use instead of the default /etc/jwhois.conf.

-d, --disable-cache

Disable reading and writing to the cache.

-f, --force-lookup

Force the lookup query to go to the host, even if it is available from the cache.

-h host, --host=host

Query the whois server on the specified host. Same as host on the command line. By default, queries the server in the environment variable NICNAMESERVER or WHOISSERVER if either is set; otherwise queries


Print help message and exit.

-i, --display-redirections

Display every step in a redirection. The default is to display only the last step.

-n, --no-redirect

Disable redirection from one server to the next.

-p port, --port=port

Connect to the specified port. Same as port on the command line. Default is 43.

-r, --rwhois

Force use of the rwhois protocol, instead of HTTP or whois.


Request receiving rwhois servers to display the results in the specified display instead of the default.


Request receiving rwhois servers to limit the number of matches to the specified limit.

-s, --no-whoisservers

Disable built-in support for


Verbose. Display the query before sending it to the server.


Print version information and exit.

Przykłady whois działanie w Słownik polecenie W

Przykład WHOIS użycie :
Jak użyć manual page descriptions in the whatis database for each keyword and print a one-line description to standard output for each match. Like apropos , except that it searches only for complete words co znaczy.
Przykład WHOIS użycie :
Jak użyć Print summaries of system usage, currently logged-in users, and what those users are doing. w is essentially a combination of uptime , who , and ps -a . Display output for one user by specifying user krzyżówka.
Przykład WHOIS użycie :
Jak użyć Print current user ID. Equivalent to id -un co to jest.
Przykład WHOIS użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Mail warning messages to users that have exceeded their soft limit słownik.
Przykład WHOIS użycie :
Jak użyć command repeatedly (by default, every two seconds) and display the output so you can watch it change over time. The command and any options are passed to sh -c , so you may need to use quotes to get czym jest.