Co robi RM użycie. Konsola contains the file, but you need not have permission on the file itself.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie rm

Wykonanie, użycie: Delete one or more files. To remove a file, you must have write permission in the directory that contains the file, but you need not have permission on the file itself. If you do not have write permission on the file, you will be prompted (y or n) to override. rm is often aliased to rm -i, especially for the root user, to protect against inadvertently deleting files

Opcje wykonania rm w konsoli

-d, --directory

Remove directories, even if they are not empty. Available only to a privileged user.

-f, --force

Remove write-protected files without prompting.


Print a help message and then exit.

-i, --interactive

Prompt for y (remove the file) or n (do not remove the file).


Do not treat root (/) specially. This is the default.


Do not operate recursively on root (/).

-r, -R, --recursive

If file is a directory, remove the entire directory and all its contents, including subdirectories. Be forewarned: use of this option can be dangerous.

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode (print the name of each file before removing it).


Print version information and then exit.


Mark the end of options. Use this when you need to supply a filename beginning with -.

Przykłady rm działanie w Słownik polecenie R

Przykład RM użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Start or stop RAID devices as defined in the RAID configuration file, /etc/raidtab . If option -a (or --all ) is used, no devices need to be given; the command will be applied co znaczy.
Przykład RM użycie :
Jak użyć Network routing daemon. routed is invoked by a privileged user at boot time to manage the Internet routing tables. The routing daemon uses a variant of the Xerox NS Routing Information Protocol in krzyżówka.
Przykład RM użycie :
Jak użyć Print the contents of the symbolic link file --that is, the name of the file to which the link points co to jest.
Przykład RM użycie :
Jak użyć Server for the rlogin program, providing a remote login facility, with authentication based on privileged port numbers from trusted hosts. rlogind is invoked by inetd when a remote login connection słownik.
Przykład RM użycie :
Jak użyć scheduling priority of running processes . May be applied to a process, process group, or user (target ). A privileged user may alter the priority of other users' processes. priority must, for czym jest.