Co robi NAMED użycie. Konsola to the Internet distributed naming database. With no arguments, named.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie named

Wykonanie, użycie: TCP/IP command. Internet domain nameserver. named is used by resolver libraries to provide access to the Internet distributed naming database. With no arguments, named reads /etc/named.conf for any initial data and listens for queries on a privileged port. See RFC 1034 and RFC 1035 for more details.

There are several named binaries available at different Linux archives, displaying various behaviors. Here we describe named as provided by Internet Software Consortium's Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) Version 9.2.x

Opcje wykonania named w konsoli

-c file

Read configuration information from file instead of /etc/named.conf.

-d debuglevel

Print debugging information. debuglevel is a number indicating the level of messages printed.


Run named in the foreground.


Run named in the foreground and send all log messages to standard error.

-n n

Specify the number of processors in a multiprocessor system. Normally named can autodetect the number of CPUs.

-p port

Use port as the port number. Default is 53.

-t dir

Change root to specified directory after reading command arguments but before reading the configuration file. Useful only when running with option -u.

-u user

Set the user ID to user after completing any privileged operations.


Print version, then exit.

Przykłady named działanie w Słownik polecenie N

Przykład NAMED użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Create or update system users from entries in file . Each line in file has the same format as an entry in /etc/passwd , except that passwords are unencrypted and group IDs can co znaczy.
Przykład NAMED użycie :
Jak użyć Show network status. Print information on active sockets, routing tables, interfaces, masquerade connections, or multicast memberships. By default, netstat lists open sockets. When a delay is krzyżówka.
Przykład NAMED użycie :
Jak użyć Change user's group ID to the specified group. If no group is specified, change to the user's login group. The new group is then used for checking permissions co to jest.
Przykład NAMED użycie :
Jak użyć aliases database, /etc/aliases , after a change. Return 0 on success, or a number greater than 0 if there was an error. newaliases must be run whenever /etc/aliases has been changed for the change to słownik.
Przykład NAMED użycie :
Jak użyć table in alphabetical order from one or more object files. If no object files are specified, perform operations on a.out . Output includes each symbol's value, type, size, name, and so on. A key czym jest.