Co robi MOUNTD użycie. Konsola filesystems are available for mounting by which machines. It also.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie mountd

Wykonanie, użycie: NFS/NIS command. NFS mount request server. mountd reads the file /etc/exports to determine which filesystems are available for mounting by which machines. It also provides information about which filesystems are mounted by which clients. See also nfsd

Opcje wykonania mountd w konsoli

-d kind, --debug kind

Specify debugging facility. Accepted values for kind are general, call, auth, parse, and all.

-f file, --exports-file file

Read the export permissions from file instead of /etc/exports.

-F, --foreground

Run mountd in the foreground.

-h, --help

Print help message, then exit.

-n, --no-tcp

Use UDP for mounts.

-N n, --no-nfs-version n

Do not offer NFS version n.

-o n, --descriptors n

Allow no more than n open file descriptors. The default is 256.

-p n, --port n

Bind to specified port instead of accepting a port from portmapper.

-v, --version

Print the version number, then exit.

-V n, --nfs-version n

Explicity offer NFS version n.

Przykłady mountd działanie w Słownik polecenie M

Przykład MOUNTD użycie :
Jak użyć directories . You must have write permission in the parent directory in order to create a directory. See also rmdir . The default mode of the new directory is 0777, modified by the system or user&# co znaczy.
Przykład MOUNTD użycie :
Jak użyć Command-line MP3 player. See mpg321 krzyżówka.
Przykład MOUNTD użycie :
Jak użyć especially for a disk image on a remote floppy accessed through the floppyd tool. See cat and mtools for more information. The only option accepted, -w , accepts data from stdin and writes it to the co to jest.
Przykład MOUNTD użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Mount a file structure. The file structure on device is mounted on directory . If no device is specified, mount looks for an entry in /etc/fstab to find out what device is słownik.
Przykład MOUNTD użycie :
Jak użyć partition specified by drive ; used mostly on proprietary Unix systems where fdisk is unavailable. See mtools for more information. When a partition is being created, the default is for the number of czym jest.