Co robi MKTEMP użycie. Konsola template, which may be any filename with at least six Xs appended (e.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie mktemp

Wykonanie, użycie: Generate a unique temporary filename for use in a script. The filename is based on the specified template, which may be any filename with at least six Xs appended (e.g., /tmp/mytemp.XXXXXX). mktemp replaces the Xs with the current process number and/or a unique letter combination. The file is created with mode 0600 (unless -u is specified), and the filename is written to standard output. With no template specified, the default file tmp.XXXXXXXXXX is created and the -t option is implied

Opcje wykonania mktemp w konsoli


Make a directory, not a file.


Fail silently in case of error. Useful to prevent error output from being sent to standard error.

-p directory

Generate the temporary file in the specified directory.


Generate a path to the file rooted in a temporary directory. The directory is taken from the TMPDIR environment variable if it is set, or from the -p option. If neither is set, /tmp is used.


Operate in "unsafe" mode and unlink the temporary file before mktemp exits. Use of this option is not recommended.


Print version information and exit.

Przykłady mktemp działanie w Słownik polecenie M

Przykład MKTEMP użycie :
Jak użyć files and directories. The source (first column) and target (second column) determine the result (third column): Source Target Result File name (nonexistent) Rename file to name . File Existing file co znaczy.
Przykład MKTEMP użycie :
Jak użyć types and text formatting. If no recipients are specified, mailto prompts for the names. This program has a very similar interface to that of the mail command, with two differences: it only sends krzyżówka.
Przykład MKTEMP użycie :
Jak użyć Label an MS-DOS filesystem (maximum of 11 characters), first displaying the current label if there is one. See mtools for more information. If no label is specified, prompt the user for one co to jest.
Przykład MKTEMP użycie :
Jak użyć ISO9660/Joliet/HFS filesystem for writing to a CD with a utility such as cdrecord . (HFS is the native Macintosh Hierarchical File System.) mkisofs takes a snapshot of a directory tree and generates słownik.
Przykład MKTEMP użycie :
Jak użyć NFS mount request server. mountd reads the file /etc/exports to determine which filesystems are available for mounting by which machines. It also provides information about which filesystems are czym jest.