Polecenie mimencode
Wykonanie, użycie: Translate to and from MIME multimedia mail-encoding formats. By default, mimencode reads standard input and sends a base64-encoded version of the input to standard output
Opcje wykonania mimencode
w konsoli
Use the (default) base64 encoding.
Send output to the named file rather than to standard output.
Translate decoded CRLF sequences into the local newline convention during decoding, and do the reverse during encoding. Meaningful only for base64 encoding.
Use the quoted-printable encoding instead of base64.
Decode the standard input rather than encode it.
Przykłady mimencode działanie w Słownik polecenie M
- Przykład MIMENCODE użycie :
- Jak użyć types and text formatting. If no recipients are specified, mailto prompts for the names. This program has a very similar interface to that of the mail command, with two differences: it only sends co znaczy.
- Przykład MIMENCODE użycie :
- Jak użyć Create a journaling ext3 filesystem. Options are identical to mke2fs . See mkfs krzyżówka.
- Przykład MIMENCODE użycie :
- Jak użyć file merge, putting the result in file1 . The effect is easiest to understand if file2 is considered the original version of a file, file3 an altered version of file2 , and file1 a later altered co to jest.
- Przykład MIMENCODE użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. With no options, attempt to load the specified module, as well as all modules on which it depends. If more than one module is specified, attempt to load further modules only słownik.
- Przykład MIMENCODE użycie :
- Jak użyć System administration command. Display a formatted report of the current sendmail mail statistics czym jest.