Input should be formatted as:
key value
Comment lines with #. Indicate parameter substitution with %n. Specify a literal % character by entering it twice: %%. The type may be btree or hash
Input should be formatted as:
key value
Comment lines with #. Indicate parameter substitution with %n. Specify a literal % character by entering it twice: %%. The type may be btree or hash
w konsoliSpecify hash or B-Tree cache size.
Look up TrustedUser in the specified sendmail configuration file.
Allow duplicate entries. Valid only with btree type maps.
Treat x as the comment marker instead of #.
Allow empty value data fields.
Suppress conversion of uppercase to lowercase.
List supported map types.
Append the zero-byte string terminator specified in sendmail's configuration file to mapped entries.
Append to existing file instead of replacing it.
If some keys already exist, replace them. (By default, makemap will exit when encountering a duplicated key.)
Ignore safety checks.
Use delimiter instead of whitespace.
Undo a map: print out the specified database file, one entry per line.
Verbose mode.
Przykłady makemap działanie w Słownik polecenie M