Co robi MAKEMAP użycie. Konsola makemap will read from standard input and create a database file of.

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Polecenie makemap

Wykonanie, użycie: System administration command. Create database maps for use by sendmail in keyed map lookups. makemap will read from standard input and create a database file of type type with filename name.db. If the TrustedUser option is set in /etc/ and makemap is invoked as root, the ouput file will be owned by TrustedUser.

Input should be formatted as:

key value

Comment lines with #. Indicate parameter substitution with %n. Specify a literal % character by entering it twice: %%. The type may be btree or hash

Opcje wykonania makemap w konsoli

-c size

Specify hash or B-Tree cache size.

-C file

Look up TrustedUser in the specified sendmail configuration file.


Allow duplicate entries. Valid only with btree type maps.

-D x

Treat x as the comment marker instead of #.


Allow empty value data fields.


Suppress conversion of uppercase to lowercase.


List supported map types.


Append the zero-byte string terminator specified in sendmail's configuration file to mapped entries.


Append to existing file instead of replacing it.


If some keys already exist, replace them. (By default, makemap will exit when encountering a duplicated key.)


Ignore safety checks.

-t delimiter

Use delimiter instead of whitespace.


Undo a map: print out the specified database file, one entry per line.


Verbose mode.

Przykłady makemap działanie w Słownik polecenie M

Przykład MAKEMAP użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Create a lost+found directory in the current working directory. Intended for Linux Second Extended Filesystems co znaczy.
Przykład MAKEMAP użycie :
Jak użyć Copy files between Unix and MS-DOS format partitions. See cp and mtools for more information. Multiple source files can be specified and written to a target directory krzyżówka.
Przykład MAKEMAP użycie :
Jak użyć types and text formatting. If no recipients are specified, mailto prompts for the names. This program has a very similar interface to that of the mail command, with two differences: it only sends co to jest.
Przykład MAKEMAP użycie :
Jak użyć Create a directory on an MS-DOS filesystem. See mkdir and mtools for more information słownik.
Przykład MAKEMAP użycie :
Jak użyć Create a journaling ext3 filesystem. Options are identical to mke2fs . See mkfs czym jest.