Polecenie klogd
Opcje wykonania klogd
w konsoli
Print all messages of a higher priority (lower number) than level to the console.
Debugging mode.
Print all messages to file; suppress normal logging.
Signal executing daemon to reload kernel module symbols.
Use file as source of kernel symbols.
Avoid auto-backgrounding. This is needed when klogd is started from init.
One-shot mode. Prioritize and log all current messages, then immediately exit.
Reload kernel-module symbol information whenever an Oops string is detected.
Suppress reading of messages from the /proc filesystem. Read from kernel message buffers instead.
Print version, then exit.
Don't translate instruction pointers (EIP). klogd will not read the System.map file.
Signal executing daemon to reload both static kernel symbols and kernel module symbols.
Print two lines for each symbol, one showing the symbol and the other showing its numerical value (address).
Przykłady klogd działanie w Słownik polecenie K
- Przykład KLOGD użycie :
- Jak użyć terminate one or more process IDs. You must own the process or be a privileged user. If no signal is specified, TERM is sent. This entry describes the /bin/kill command, which offers several powerful co znaczy.
- Przykład KLOGD użycie :
- Jak użyć command name. If more than one process is running the specified command, kill all of them. Treats command names that contain a / as files; kill all processes that are executing that file krzyżówka.
- Przykład KLOGD użycie :
- Jak użyć you what version of the Linux kernel you are using. It is also used by modutils and the /etc/modules.conf file to determine where to put kernel modules. It accepts no arguments or options co to jest.
- Przykład KLOGD użycie :
- Jak użyć relatives only. Detects new and changed hardware by comparing existing hardware against a database in /etc/sysconfig/hwconfig . Users are then given the opportunity to configure the hardware. Runs słownik.
- Przykład KLOGD użycie :
- Jak użyć Print or set the current keyboard mode, which may be RAW , MEDIUMRAW , XLATE , or UNICODE czym jest.