Co robi KILL użycie. Konsola user. If no signal is specified, TERM is sent. This entry describes.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie kill

Wykonanie, użycie: Send a signal to terminate one or more process IDs. You must own the process or be a privileged user. If no signal is specified, TERM is sent.

This entry describes the /bin/kill command, which offers several powerful features. There are also built-in shell commands of the same name; the bash and ksh versions are described in Chapter 6.

In particular, /bin/kill allows you to specify a command name, such as gcc or xpdf, instead of a process ID (PID). All processes running that command with the same UID as the process issuing /bin/kill will be sent the signal.

If /bin/kill is issued with a pid of 0, it sends the signal to all processes of its own process group. If /bin/kill is issued with a pid of -1, it sends the signal to all processes except process 1 (the system's init process)

Opcje wykonania kill w konsoli


Kill all processes of the given name (if privileges allow), not just processes with the same UID. To use this option, specify the full path (e.g., /bin/kill -a gcc).


List all signals.


Print the process ID of the named process, but don't send it a signal. To use this option, specify the full path (e.g., /bin/kill -p).


The signal number (from /usr/include/sys/signal.h) or name (from kill -l). With a signal number of 9 (KILL), the kill cannot be caught by the process; use this to kill a process that a plain kill doesn't terminate. The default is TERM. The letter flag itself is optional: both kill -9 1024 and kill -s 9 1024 terminate process 1024.

Przykłady kill działanie w Słownik polecenie K

Przykład KILL użycie :
Jak użyć Print or set the current keyboard mode, which may be RAW , MEDIUMRAW , XLATE , or UNICODE co znaczy.
Przykład KILL użycie :
Jak użyć command name. If more than one process is running the specified command, kill all of them. Treats command names that contain a / as files; kill all processes that are executing that file krzyżówka.
Przykład KILL użycie :
Jak użyć The System V equivalent of killall , this command kills all processes except those on which it depends co to jest.
Przykład KILL użycie :
Jak użyć you what version of the Linux kernel you are using. It is also used by modutils and the /etc/modules.conf file to determine where to put kernel modules. It accepts no arguments or options słownik.
Przykład KILL użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Control the rate at which the keyboard repeats characters, as well as its delay time. Using this command without options sets a repeat rate of 10.9 characters per second; the czym jest.