Polecenie fdisk
Wykonanie, użycie: System administration command. fdisk displays information about disk partitions, creates and deletes disk partitions, and changes the active partition. It is possible to assign a different operating system to each of the four possible primary partitions, though only one partition is active at any given time. You can also divide a physical partition into several logical partitions. The minimum recommended size for a Linux system partition is 40 MB. Normally, each device will be /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/hdc, /dev/hdd, and so on. An interactive, menu-driven mode is also available. Note that this command can be destructive if used improperly
Opcje wykonania fdisk
w konsoli
Set the size of individual disk sectors. May be 512, 1024, or 2048. Most systems now recognize sector sizes, so this is not necessary.
List partition tables and exit.
Report partition sizes in sectors instead of cylinders.
Display the size of partition, unless it is a DOS partition.
Print version number, then exit.
Specify the number of cylinders on the disk.
Specify the number of heads per cylinder.
Specify sectors per track for partitioning.
Przykłady fdisk działanie w Słownik polecenie F
- Przykład FDISK użycie :
- Jak użyć Display statistics about memory usage: total free, used, physical, swap, shared, and buffers used by the kernel co znaczy.
- Przykład FDISK użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. Retrieve mail from mail servers and forward it to the local mail delivery system. fetchmail retrieves mail from servers that support the common mail protocols POP2, POP3 krzyżówka.
- Przykład FDISK użycie :
- Jak użyć fontconfig system. Lists available fonts and font styles. The first argument will limit listed fonts to those matching the pattern, and the second displays the listed font attribute or element. To co to jest.
- Przykład FDISK użycie :
- Jak użyć specified width by filling lines and removing newlines. Concatenate files on the command line, or read text from standard input if - (or no file) is specified. By default, preserve blank lines słownik.
- Przykład FDISK użycie :
- Jak użyć A null command that returns an unsuccessful (nonzero) exit status. Normally used in bash scripts. See also true czym jest.