Co robi DUMPKEYS użycie. Konsola information is available in the manual pages under keymaps (5.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie dumpkeys

Wykonanie, użycie: Print information about the keyboard driver's translation tables to standard output. Further information is available in the manual pages under keymaps(5)

Opcje wykonania dumpkeys w konsoli

-1, --separate-lines

Print one line for each modifier/keycode pair, and prefix plain to each unmodified keycode.

-ccharset, --charset=charset

Specify character set with which to interpret character code values. The default character set is iso-8859-1. The full list of valid character sets is available with the --help option.


Print compose key combinations only. Requires compose key support in the kernel.

-f, --full-table

Output in canonical, not short, form: for each key, print a row with modifier combinations divided into columns.


Print function-key string definitions only; do not print key bindings or string definitions.

-h, --help

Print help message and the version.

-i, --short-info

Print in short-info format, including information about acceptable keycode keywords in the keytable files; the number of actions that can be bound to a key; a list of the ranges of action codes (the values to the right of a key definition); and the number of function keys that the kernel supports.


Print key bindings only; do not print string definitions.

-l, --long-info

Print the same information as in --short-info, plus a list of the supported action symbols and their numeric values.

-n, --numeric

Print action code values in hexadecimal notation; do not attempt to convert them to symbolic notation.

-S num, --shape=num

Print using num to determine table shape. Values of num are:




Same as --full-table.


Same as --separate-lines.


One line for each keycode up to the first hole, then one line per modifier/keycode pair.

Przykłady dumpkeys działanie w Słownik polecenie D

Przykład DUMPKEYS użycie :
Jak użyć of free disk space available on all mounted filesystems or on the given name . (df cannot report on unmounted filesystems.) Disk space is shown in 1 KB blocks (default) or 512-byte blocks (if the co znaczy.
Przykład DUMPKEYS użycie :
Jak użyć TCP/IP command. Print the system's DNS domain name. See also hostname krzyżówka.
Przykład DUMPKEYS użycie :
Jak użyć display the contents of the device or filesystem image isoimage . devdump displays the first 256 bytes of the first 2048-byte sector and waits for commands. The prompt shows the extent number (zone co to jest.
Przykład DUMPKEYS użycie :
Jak użyć destroy the unused virtual console /dev/ttyN . Multiple consoles may be named with additional spaces and integers: deallocvt 1 4 will deallocate the /dev/tty1 and /dev/tty4 consoles. Consoles are słownik.
Przykład DUMPKEYS użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Print information about device 's superblock and blocks group czym jest.