Polecenie dnssec-makekeyset
Opcje wykonania dnssec-makekeyset
w konsoli
Verify all generated signatures.
Specify the date and time the records will expire. The end-time may be specified in yyyymmddhhmmss notation, or as +n seconds from the start-time. The default is 30 days from start-time.
Print help message, then exit.
Use pseudo-random data to sign the zone key.
Specify the device to use as a source of randomness when creating keys. This can be a device file, a file containing random data, or the string keyboard to specify keyboard input. By default, /dev/random will be used when available, and keyboard input will be used when it is not.
Specify the date and time the records become valid. The end-time may be specified in yyyymmddhhmmss notation, or as +n seconds from the current time. The default is the current time.
Specify the TTL (time to live) in seconds for the KEY and SIG records. Default is 3600 seconds.
Przykłady dnssec-makekeyset działanie w Słownik polecenie D
- Przykład DNSSEC-MAKEKEYSET użycie :
- Jak użyć options for ls by changing the LS_COLORS environment variable. If you specify a file, dircolors will read it to determine which colors to use. Otherwise, it will use a default set of colors co znaczy.
- Przykład DNSSEC-MAKEKEYSET użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. Sign a secure DNS keyset with the key signatures specified in the list of key-identifiers . A zone administrator would use this command to sign a child zone's keyset with krzyżówka.
- Przykład DNSSEC-MAKEKEYSET użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. Create a dependency file for the modules given on the command line. This dependency file can be used by modprobe to automatically load the relevant modules . The normal use of co to jest.
- Przykład DNSSEC-MAKEKEYSET użycie :
- Jak użyć Protocol (DLP) shell . Connects to a PalmOS device on the specified port to execute DLP commands. Within the shell, adding the --help flag to any command displays additional help about that command słownik.
- Przykład DNSSEC-MAKEKEYSET użycie :
- Jak użyć TCP/IP command. Print the system's DNS domain name. See also hostname czym jest.