Co robi DIRCOLORS użycie. Konsola dircolors will read it to determine which colors to use.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie dircolors

Wykonanie, użycie: Set the color options for ls by changing the LS_COLORS environment variable. If you specify a file, dircolors will read it to determine which colors to use. Otherwise, it will use a default set of colors

Opcje wykonania dircolors w konsoli

The program takes three options in addition to the standard --help and --version flags:

-p, --print-database

Display the default colors. You can copy this information into a file and change it to suit your preferences, and then run the program with the file as its argument to set the colors to your new values.

-c, --csh, --c-shell

Use csh (C shell) syntax when setting the LS_COLORS variable.

-b, --sh, --bourne-shell

Use the Bourne shell syntax when setting the LS_COLORS variable.

Przykłady dircolors działanie w Słownik polecenie D

Przykład DIRCOLORS użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Similar to fsck , but specifically intended for MS-DOS filesystems. When checking an MS-DOS filesystem, fsck calls this command. Normally dosfsck stores all changes in memory co znaczy.
Przykład DIRCOLORS użycie :
Jak użyć files. diff reports lines that differ between file1 and file2 . Output consists of lines of context from each file, with file1 text flagged by a < symbol and file2 text by a > symbol. Context lines krzyżówka.
Przykład DIRCOLORS użycie :
Jak użyć Print disk usage (as the number of 1 KB blocks used by each named directory and its subdirectories; default is the current directory co to jest.
Przykład DIRCOLORS użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. This simple backup utility accesses ext2 and ext3 file devices directly, quickly backing up files without affecting file access times. files may be specified as a mount point słownik.
Przykład DIRCOLORS użycie :
Jak użyć input file (if ) using the specified conditions, and send the results to the output file (or standard output if of is not specified). Any number of options can be supplied, although if and of are the czym jest.