Polecenie compress
Wykonanie, użycie: Compress one or more files, replacing each with the compressed file of the same name with .Z appended. If no file is specified, compress standard input. Each file specified is compressed separately. compress ignores files that are symbolic links. See also the more common commands tar, gzip, and bzip2
Opcje wykonania compress
w konsoli
Limit the maximum number of bits.
Write output to standard output, not to a .Z file.
Decompress instead of compressing. Same as uncompress.
Force generation of an output file even if one already exists.
If any of the specified files is a directory, compress recursively.
Print compression statistics.
Print version and compilation information and then exit.
Przykłady compress działanie w Słownik polecenie C
- Przykład COMPRESS użycie :
- Jak użyć specified C++ or Java function name symbol , or read and decode symbols from standard input if no symbol is given. This command reverses the name mangling used by C++ and Java compilers to support co znaczy.
- Przykład COMPRESS użycie :
- Jak użyć administration command. Control PCMCIA sockets or select the current scheme. The current scheme is sent along with the address of any inserted cards to configuration scripts (by default located in krzyżówka.
- Przykład COMPRESS użycie :
- Jak użyć Record data or audio compact discs. This program normally requires root access. It has a large number of options and settings. A number of useful examples can be found in the manpage co to jest.
- Przykład COMPRESS użycie :
- Jak użyć A postprocessing filter that handles reverse linefeeds and escape characters, allowing output from tbl or nroff to appear in reasonable form on a terminal słownik.
- Przykład COMPRESS użycie :
- Jak użyć See gcc czym jest.