Co robi APM użycie. Konsola system into standby or suspend-to-disk mode. Used on older systems, and.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie apm

Wykonanie, użycie: Display current Advanced Power Management hardware information, such as battery life, or send the system into standby or suspend-to-disk mode. Used on older systems, and replaced by acpi and related commands.

-V, --version

Display version information and quit.


Verbose mode. Display information about the APM BIOS and Linux APM driver.

-m, --minutes

Display estimated minutes of battery life remaining. Default format is in hours and minutes.

-s, --suspend

Suspend system to disk. Suspending the system to disk is equivalent to turning it off, but boot time will be faster and the system will resume exactly where it was before suspend.

-S, --standby

Set system to standby. This will normally turn off the monitor and spin down the disk drives, reducing energy consumption by approximately 50 percent. Recovery from this mode is more rapid than from a full suspend to disk, but the system is still running.


When the system is using AC power, ignore suspend or standby requests generated by the system.


Do not ignore any suspend or standby events. This overrides a previously issued -i flag

Opcje wykonania apm w konsoli

Przykłady apm działanie w Słownik polecenie A

Przykład APM użycie :
Jak użyć mixer . For an ncurses interface, use alsamixer . amixer displays or changes the current mixer settings for the current sound card and sound device. To display all mixer settings, use with no flags co znaczy.
Przykład APM użycie :
Jak użyć configuration settings for sound cards using the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) system. Settings are written to configuration files using the store function and loaded from those files with krzyżówka.
Przykład APM użycie :
Jak użyć Audio mixer tool. Run without any options or arguments for an ncurses-based interactive mode co to jest.
Przykład APM użycie :
Jak użyć Place m4 macro definitions needed by autoconf into a single file. The aclocal command first scans for macro definitions in m4 files in its default directory (/usr/share/aclocal on some systems) and słownik.
Przykład APM użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. The Linux version of getty . Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline. agetty is invoked by init . It is the second process in the series init-getty-login-shell czym jest.