Co robi LESS użycie. Konsola perceived primitiveness of more (hence its name). Some commands may be.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie less

Wykonanie, użycie: less is a program for paging through files or other output. It was written in reaction to the perceived primitiveness of more (hence its name). Some commands may be preceded by a number

Opcje wykonania less w konsoli

-[z] num, --window=num

Set number of lines to scroll to num. Default is one screenful. A negative num sets the number to num lines less than the current number.

+[+] command

Run command on startup. If command is a number, jump to that line. The option ++ applies this command to each file in the command-line list.

-?, --help

Print help screen. Ignore all other options; do not page through file.

-a, --search-screen

When searching, begin after last line displayed. (Default is to search from second line displayed.)

-bbuffers, --buffers=buffers

Use this many buffers for each file (default is 10). Buffers are 1 KB in size.

-c, --clear-screen

Redraw screen from top, not bottom.

-d, --dumb

Suppress dumb-terminal error messages.

-e, --quit-at-eof

Automatically exit after reaching EOF twice.

-f, --force

Force opening of directories and devices; do not print warning when opening binaries.

-g, --hilite-search

Highlight only string found by past search command, not all matching strings.

-hnum, --max-back-scroll=num

Never scroll backward more than num lines at once.

-i, --ignore-case

Make searches case-insensitive, unless the search string contains uppercase letters.

-jnum, --jump-target=num

Position target line on line num of screen. Target line can be the result of a search or a jump. Count lines beginning from 1 (top line). A negative num is counted back from bottom of screen.

-kfile, --lesskey-file=file

Read file to define special key bindings.

-m, --long-prompt

Display more-like prompt, including percent of file read.

-n, --line-numbers

Do not calculate line numbers. Affects -m and -M options and = and v commands (disables passing of line number to editor).

-ofile, --log-file=file

When input is from a pipe, copy output to file as well as to screen. (Prompt for overwrite authority if file exists.)

-ppattern, --pattern=pattern

At startup, search for first occurrence of pattern.

-q, --quiet, --silent

Disable ringing of bell on attempts to scroll past EOF or before beginning of file. Attempt to use visual bell instead.

-r, --raw-control-chars

Display "raw" control characters instead of using ^x notation. This sometimes leads to display problems, which might be fixed by using -R instead.

-s, --squeeze-blank-lines

Print successive blank lines as one line.

-ttag, --tag=tag

Edit file containing tag. Consult ./tags (constructed by ctags).

-u, --underline-special

Treat backspaces and carriage returns as printable input.

-w, --hilite-unread

Show the line to which a movement command has skipped, phrases displayed by a search command, or the first unread line during a normal scroll by highlighting text in reverse video.

-x n, --tabs=n

Set tab stops to every n characters. Default is 8.

-y n, --max-forw-scroll=n

Never scroll forward more than n lines at once.

-B, --auto-buffers

Do not automatically allocate buffers for data read from a pipe. If -b specifies a number of buffers, allocate that many. If necessary, allow information from previous screens to be lost.


Redraw screen by clearing it and then redrawing from top.


Automatically exit after reaching EOF once.

-F, --quit-if-one-screen

Exit without displaying anything if first file can fit on a single screen.


Never highlight matching search strings.


Make searches case-insensitive, even when the search string contains uppercase letters.

-J, --status-column

Used with -w or -W, highlight a single column on the left edge of the screen instead of the whole text of an unread line.

-K charset

Use the specified charset.


Prompt more verbosely than with -m, including percentage, line number, and total lines.


Print line number before each line.

-O file, --LOG-FILE=file

Similar to -o, but do not prompt when overwriting file.

-P[mM=] prompt

Set the prompt displayed by less at the bottom of each screen to prompt. The m sets the prompt invoked by the -m option, the M sets the prompt invoked by the -M option, and the = sets the prompt invoked by the = command. Special characters (described in the manpage for less), can be used to print statistics and other information in these prompts.


Never ring terminal bell.


Like r, but adjust screen to account for presence of control characters.

-S, --chop-long-lines

Cut, do not fold, long lines.

-T file, --tag-file=file

With the -t option or :t command, read file instead of ./tags.


Treat backspaces and carriage returns as control characters.

-V, --version

Display version and exit.


Show phrases displayed by a search command, or the first unread line of any forward movement that is more than one line, by highlighting text in reverse video.

-X, --no-init

Do not send initialization and deinitialization strings from termcap to terminal.

Przykłady less działanie w Słownik polecenie L

Przykład LESS użycie :
Jak użyć administration command. Set up and control loop devices. Attach a loop device to a regular file or block device, detach a loop device, or query a loop device. A loop device can be used to mount an co znaczy.
Przykład LESS użycie :
Jak użyć Print attributes of files on a Linux Second Extended File System. See also chattr krzyżówka.
Przykład LESS użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. List all Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices. This command has many options of use for debugging device drivers. Here we document some of the more common options co to jest.
Przykład LESS użycie :
Jak użyć System administration command. Print information on available printer devices and drivers słownik.
Przykład LESS użycie :
Jak użyć spool queue for status of print jobs. For each job, display username, rank in the queue, filenames, job number, and total file size (in bytes). We document the CUPS printing system here; other czym jest.