Co robi GRPCONV użycie. Konsola keep your encrypted group passwords safe from password-cracking.

Czy przydatne?

Polecenie grpconv

Wykonanie, użycie: System administration command. Like pwconv, the grpconv command creates a shadowed group file to keep your encrypted group passwords safe from password-cracking programs. grpconv creates the /etc/gshadow file based on your existing /etc/groups file and replaces your encrypted password entries with x. If you add new entries to the /etc/groups file, you can run grpconv again to transfer the new information to /etc/gshadow. It will ignore entries that already have a password of x and convert those that do not. grpunconv restores the encrypted passwords to your /etc/groups file and removes the /etc/gshadow file

Opcje wykonania grpconv w konsoli

Przykłady grpconv działanie w Słownik polecenie G

Przykład GRPCONV użycie :
Jak użyć Print the kernel's scancode-to-keycode mapping table co znaczy.
Przykład GRPCONV użycie :
Jak użyć data for an object file. The file's symbol table is compared with the call graph profile file gmon.out (previously created by compiling with gcc -pg ). Many of gprof 's options take a krzyżówka.
Przykład GRPCONV użycie :
Jak użyć manpages and groff documents. It accepts the option flags from both man and groff . The filespec argument can be a filename or a manpage or section specified in the format man:page or man:section co to jest.
Przykład GRPCONV użycie :
Jak użyć allows you to step through the execution of a program in order to find the point at which it breaks. It fully supports C and C++, and provides partial support for FORTRAN, Java, Chill, assembly, and słownik.
Przykład GRPCONV użycie :
Jak użyć Split an OpenPGP format message into individual packets. If no file is specified, the message is read from stdin. The split packets are written as individual files czym jest.